Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Blue Tails Tour

We were lucky to get a tour of a couple Blue Tails at Andrews Air Force Base.  It was Dave's brother's first time there. 

In between training and official trips they do maintenance on the planes.  And cleaning.  Dave found the vacuum cleaner tucked between some chairs on the side so he playfully got it out and had this picture, below, taken, so he can say he is probably the only person who ever posed taking a picture of cleaning one of the Air Force "Two" cabins. 

And here is Tim in the co-pilot's seat. 

And we are all pretending to be dignitaries, press or crew.  Take your pick. 
And it's a bathroom with a view!

It was a fun time.  While we were there, the backup Air Force One plane returned from somewhere and landed, unloading several people - not the President.  If it was going to be bringing back the President we'd not have been allowed in the area.  

A fun couple of hours.  Go Air Force!

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