Tuesday, March 22, 2022

White Clay Creek State Park

As part of my birthday month celebration, we went hiking to a new place - a place new to us.  It was the White Clay Creek State Park, 3300 acres on the border with Pennsylvania where there are several more hundred acres to this area being allowed to return to nature.  

Having said that, the home below will not return to nature though it has seemingly tried.  Workmen were present doing, well, work.  I'm not sure exactly what they were doing but it had to do with one of the out buildings. 

We hiked about 6 miles. There are many more trails, of course.  We'll be back.

I loved this tree, below.  Nature makes some cool things.  Dave suggested that maybe barbed wire fencing years ago had contributed to this.  

And maybe to this one. If that is the case, I name these trees Resilience I and II. 

After the hike we went into Wilmington to the Dead President's Pub.  We like unique places and if they have good beverage selections and/or good food, they are keepers.  This one is a keeper. 

We showed up around 3:30pm so we pretty much had the place to ourselves with the exception of a few other patrons and the friendly and competent bartender.  The food was foodie for a bar. 

A little irreverence for Big George.  I don't know what the story is behind this picture other than it obviously stems from holiday decorations. 

Another curious but lovely touch at The Dead Presidents Pub was that all the tables and booths had FRESH FLOWERS!  I don't know that I've ever been in a bar and seen fresh flowers on the tables.  Nice!  So what's the story behind that?  I should have asked.  What's the matter with me?  

A fun day.  Another fun day of exploring, of enjoying nature, of wandering, of eating good food and having a good beer, of being around nice people. 

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