This is a new blog about our renewed life here.
I stopped blogging one particular blog after the 2016 election and also got off Face Book. I started another blog but a lot of it was angry ranting and raving. And I also began to be afraid of retribution so I stopped again.
I wished for a typewriter, something I could click away on, off-line and unreadable by anyone but me. I bought one but it needs work and I haven't gotten to that yet. Besides, I like adding pictures to my entries. I wrote in journals, several different ones for different themes. That's nice but I'm such a fast typist and I love being able to fix and rewrite.
This blog represents a new start. It's a way for me to move forward in these times of open anger and polarization. I don't want to focus on that but I can't ignore it either. I will not live with my head in the sand. But I can not let divisiveness and hate consume me.
I will manifest positivity, my vision, my love of adventure, of a variety of choices, of nature and the arts. But I will also bear witness when necessary. There is pain and corruption and hate and it affects our planet and life on it. I acknowledge that many people try to do the right thing from their perspective, from their background and experiences, and we can't and don't all agree what that is. I also know that many people are all about taking care of themselves and having more and newer and better despite the cost to our planet or to others. My Mid-West hard scrabble sister-in-law once summed that up: I don't make other people's problems my problems, she said.
But now we are back in a part of the country that I understand. Not the South. Not the Mid-West. We are closer to several major cities. There are pockets of hate here, yes, but it doesn't seem to be as unified, all consuming as other places we have been in the last few years. I feel safer here. I feel safe in places where gay people can live openly and be celebrated and where I can walk among lots of Black and Latino people going about their business and where I can hear other languages or accented or broken English spoken.
I love diversity of people, of thought, of food, eco-systems, the arts, books...